Far From the Tree is a heartwarming animated movie that tells the story of a young raccoon who is fascinated with the world beyond the safety of his home. His parent, however, is determined to keep him safe and away from danger. One day, the young raccoon becomes curious and wanders off to explore the nearby beach.

As he explores the beach, he meets several other animals who live in the area, including a friendly otter, a wise old crab, and a pair of mischievous seagulls. The young raccoon learns about the beauty and wonder of the natural world, as well as the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Meanwhile, the frustrated parent is on a frantic search to find their child and bring them back home safely. With the help of some unlikely allies, including a mysterious hermit crab and a wise pelican, the parent sets out on a dangerous journey to rescue their wayward child.

As the parent and child both navigate their own challenges and obstacles, they are forced to confront their own fears and limitations, and ultimately discover what it means to truly belong in their world.

With stunning animation, a charming ensemble of characters, and an uplifting message about family and community, Far From the Tree is a must-see movie for all ages.

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