Eye without a Face is a French horror-thriller movie released in 1960. The movie follows the story of a brilliant surgeon, Dr. Génessier, who is haunted by the guilt of his daughter's disfigurement in a car accident in which he was also involved. The daughter, Christiane, now wears an expressionless mask to cover the scars on her face, and her father is desperately trying to restore her beauty through surgery.

Dr. Génessier kidnaps young women, who resemble his daughter, and tries to transplant their facial features onto Christiane. However, his attempts result in a series of failures, and he is forced to discard the women's bodies in his laboratory. Meanwhile, a detective investigates the disappearance of the kidnapped women and uncovers the gruesome reality of the doctor's experiments.

As the doctor's actions become more desperate, and Christiane becomes increasingly isolated and detached from reality, the movie takes a dark and disturbing turn. The haunting and eerie atmosphere created by the movie's soundtrack, camera work, and black-and-white visuals add to the overall sense of dread and suspense as the story progresses towards its grotesque and horrifying climax.

Eye Without a Face is a classic work of French horror and a landmark in the genre, praised for its groundbreaking visual effects, its chilling soundtrack, and its exploration of the psychological and emotional toll of guilt and obsession. Its influence can be seen in later horror movies such as The Silence of the Lambs and The Skin I Live In.

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