Extra Ordinary is a 2019 supernatural comedy film directed by Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman. The story revolves around Rose Dooley, a driving instructor in a small Irish town, who possesses supernatural abilities but has tried to suppress them all her life. She is haunted by the death of her father, who was a renowned paranormal investigator.

Martin Martin is a loner in the town who is haunted by the ghost of his wife who died in an accident seven years ago. His lifestyle changes when he meets Rose who helps him communicate with his wife's ghost. Meanwhile, a famous rock star named Christian Winter moves into town with his wife Claudia, and he is desperately seeking a young virgin to sacrifice her to Satan in exchange for his comeback in the music industry.

Claudia persuades Martin's teenage daughter, Sarah, to help her with a Satanic ritual, but Sarah seeks Rose's help to get rid of the demon that the ritual had summoned. Rose finally gathers the courage to use her powers to stop Winter from sacrificing Sarah, and with the help of her father's spirit, she saves the day.

The film is an hilarious take on horror films, with a mix of romance and humor. It has received critical acclaim for its unique plot and great performances by the cast, especially Maeve Higgins who plays Rose Dooley with perfect comic timing. Extra Ordinary is a must-watch for paranormal comedy lovers.

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