ExTerminators is a dark comedy film that revolves around the lives of three women who join forces to take down the abusive men in their lives. Alex, the protagonist of the film, is a socially awkward accountant who, in a fit of rage, destroys her ex-boyfriend's car. As a result, she is ordered by the court to attend therapy sessions.

It is during these therapy sessions that she meets Stella, the owner of a small extermination business who uses her car as a weapon to intimidate her clients. Nikki, a dental technician, with a charming personality and a twisted mind, joins the duo to complete their trio. The three women, who at first seem to be complete strangers, quickly bond over their shared experiences of abuse and misogyny.

As the three women work together, their silent revolution begins to take shape. They start by targeting the men who have wronged them, but the scope of their mission soon expands to include anyone they perceive as an abuser or oppressor. From their vantage point as exterminators, the trio leverages their skills and resources to take down the abusive men in their lives.

The film boasts an impressive cast, including Heather Graham as Alex, Jennifer Coolidge as Stella, and Amber Heard as Nikki. With its razor-sharp humor and poignant message, ExTerminators is a must-see film that inspires women to stand up and fight back against gender-based violence.

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