Excision is a dark and twisted coming-of-age horror film directed by Richard Bates Jr. The story revolves around Pauline, a high school girl who is alienated from her peers and family. She is fixated on surgery and has a deep desire to become a doctor.

Pauline has a troubled relationship with her mother, who is strict and disapproving of her daughter's behavior and interests. Meanwhile, Pauline's younger sister, Grace, is suffering from cystic fibrosis and requires constant medical attention. Pauline resents the attention that her sister gets and believes that she is more deserving of her mother's love and affection.

As Pauline navigates the challenges of adolescence, she becomes increasingly obsessed with her own mortality and the idea of physical transformation. She engages in disturbing fantasies and experiments with self-mutilation in an attempt to quell her inner turmoil. She also begins to explore her sexuality and sets her sights on a classmate named Adam.

Throughout the film, Pauline's mental state deteriorates, and her fantasies become increasingly violent and gruesome. In the final act, Pauline's desires and delusions culminate in a shocking and disturbing climax that is sure to leave audiences reeling.

Excision is a bold and unconventional horror film that deals with themes of adolescent angst, sexual awakening, and mental illness. It features a strong performance from lead actress, AnnaLynne McCord, who imbues the character of Pauline with both vulnerability and menace.

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