Excessive Force II: Force on Force is a 1995 action-thriller directed by Jonathan Winfrey. The film revolves around Harley, a former Special Forces agent who became an investigator after she was shot in the head by her former commander Francis Lydell. The incident occurred when Lydell asked Harley to become a member of his freelance assassination squad, which she refused. Francis Lydell is now on a killing spree, targeting various individuals, including a Mafia informant in police custody.

Harley teams up with the police to track down Lydell and put an end to his murderous plans. Along the way, she reunites with her former Special Forces team members, including Nick Preston and Red. The team works together to take down the villains, but Lydell is always one step ahead.

As the story unfolds, Harley's painful past with Lydell is revealed, and the audience learns more about her motivations for hunting him down. Despite her head injury, Harley is a skilled fighter and marksman, taking down a number of Lydell's henchmen with precision and strength.

The action-packed film features a number of thrilling fight and chase scenes, as well as a number of fiery explosions. Excessive Force II: Force on Force is a fitting sequel to the original Excessive Force, and Stacie Randall delivers a solid performance as the headstrong and determined Harley.

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