The movie Excess Baggage starts off with a young woman named Emily Hope (Alicia Silverstone), who decides to fake her own kidnapping in an effort to get her father's attention. However, her plan goes awry when she ends up being locked in the trunk of a car that gets stolen by a young car thief named Vincent (Benicio Del Toro).

Emily tries to convince Vincent to let her go, but he initially thinks she's just playing a game and refuses to take her seriously. As they spend more time together, however, Vincent starts to realize the seriousness of Emily's situation and they begin to develop a mutual respect for each other.

Meanwhile, Emily's father, Alexander Hope (Jack Thompson), hires a private investigator named Gus (Christopher Walken) to find his daughter. Gus becomes suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Emily's supposed kidnapping and begins to dig deeper into the situation.

As Emily and Vincent try to evade both Gus and the police, they develop a connection and Emily starts to question whether her plan to get attention was worth the risks she's now facing. Eventually, Emily and Vincent are caught and brought to Alexander. In the end, Emily decides to take responsibility for her actions and Vincent learns to let go of his criminal ways.

Excess Baggage is a fun and entertaining comedy with elements of romance and drama. The film received mixed reviews but is memorable for its strong performances by Silverstone, Del Toro, and Walken.

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