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The High Stakes Delivery

N/A  Iran 

The teenage girl, named Samantha, is struggling to keep up with her studies and make ends meet in her impoverished neighborhood. When a local drug dealer, who happens to be an acquaintance of Samantha's, offers to pay her a large sum of money to deliver a pack of cocaine to a client, Samantha agrees to the deal out of desperation.

As Samantha attempts to make the delivery, she faces numerous obstacles, including a run-in with the police, being accosted by a gang, and losing the drugs in a crowded mall. With the clock ticking and the drug dealer threatening her life, Samantha races against time to recover the drugs and make the delivery, all while trying to maintain her academic focus for an upcoming test that could determine her future.

The pressure mounts as Samantha's friends and family become involved, and she is forced to confront the consequences of her actions. The film explores themes of poverty, crime, and the lengths that people will go to in order to survive in a harsh world. In the end, Samantha must make a life-changing decision that will determine her future.

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