EVIL BONG 777 is a horror-comedy film directed by Charles Band and starring Sonny Carl Davis, Robin Sydney, and Jessica Morris. The film begins with the evil and seductive Eebee attempting to escape from "Sexy Hell," a place populated by many other demonic creatures. She soon finds herself in Las Vegas, where she plans to expand her empire of demonic marijuana and terrorize the city.

Things quickly go awry when Eebee's nemesis, Larnell (played by John Patrick Jordan), arrives in Las Vegas with a plan to destroy the evil bong once and for all. He's joined by his friends, who are reluctantly drawn into another bizarre and horrifying adventure.

As the gang of stoners attempt to stop Eebee's evil plans, they encounter a cast of bizarre characters, including a group of alien vampires, a killer clown, and a cyborg. Along the way, they also encounter a host of strange and surreal challenges, including a scene where they must navigate a maze while being chased by a demonic entity.

With its mix of horror, comedy, and surrealism, EVIL BONG 777 is a wild ride that's not for the faint of heart. Fans of the Evil Bong series will find plenty to enjoy here, including the return of many fan-favorite characters and a steady stream of jokes, scares, and bizarre moments.

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