Evil and The Mask

Mystery,Crime,Drama  Japan 

Evil and The Mask is a Japanese psychological thriller film directed by Teppei Nakamura, based on the 2008 novel of the same name by Fuminori Nakamura. The film stars Hiroshi Tamaki as Kuki Fumihiro/Koichi Shintani, Yuko Araki as Kaori, and Ryo Ishibashi as Kuki Soichiro.

The film starts with Kuki Fumihiro being raised by his father, Kuki Soichiro, to become pure evil and eventually inherit the family business. However, Kuki Fumihiro is not interested in his father's plan and is instead preoccupied with protecting his adopted sister, Kaori.

One day, Kuki Fumihiro kills his father to protect Kaori and disappears. He undergoes plastic surgery and takes on the identity of Koichi Shintani. As Koichi Shintani, Kuki watches over Kaori and her life as she grows up.

Years later, Kuki discovers that the Kuki family is still involved in criminal activities, and he faces a great evil that exists within the family. He reunites with Kaori and, together, they try to bring an end to the Kuki family's criminal empire.

Evil and The Mask is a gripping film that explores themes of loyalty, family, and the price one pays to protect those they love.

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