The protagonist of the story is Jonathan Safran Foer, a young Jewish American man who sets out on a journey to Ukraine to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II. He travels with the eccentric and dysfunctional Ukrainian guide, Alex, as well as Alex's grandfather, who claims to be blind but can navigate with ease.

As they journey through the Ukrainian countryside, the group encounters various strange and surreal situations, including a group of dancing women dressed in traditionally Ukrainian clothing and a man who claims to have created his own language. Along the way, they visit the village where Jonathan's grandfather was saved, but find that it has been entirely destroyed and replaced with a modern, industrial site.

Jonathan eventually learns the truth about his grandfather's past and the identity of the woman who saved him, but also comes to understand more about himself and his own family history. The film is a poignant exploration of identity, memory, and the lasting impact of history.

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