Everyman's War is a war drama film that was released in 2009. The movie is based on true events that took place during World War II, and it tells the story of a young American soldier named Sgt. Ackerman Smith. Smith is part of a platoon that is stationed in a small town in Belgium during the winter of 1944.

As the film begins, Smith is wounded during a battle, and he is left behind by his unit. He is eventually rescued by a group of Belgian civilians who take him to their home and care for him. Smith is torn between his duty to his country and his desire to stay with the civilians, particularly a young woman named Dorine who he has grown close to.

As the German army prepares to launch a surprise attack, Smith realizes that he must warn the town and his fellow soldiers. Despite his injuries, he sets out on foot through enemy lines to deliver the warning. Smith encounters numerous obstacles, including dangerous conditions and German soldiers who are determined to stop him.

The movie explores themes of courage, sacrifice, and the effects of war on individuals. The performances of the cast, particularly Michael J. McCarthy as Sgt. Smith, are praised for their authenticity and emotional depth. The film was directed by Thad Smith and produced by David Haines. It received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its realistic depiction of the events of the war.

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