Everybody's Fine

Drama  China 

The protagonist of the story is a retired man named Guan Zhiguo, played by veteran actor Zhang Guoli. After the death of his wife, he realizes that he has lost touch with his four children who have all moved to different cities in China. Feeling lonely and disconnected, he decides to visit each of them one by one to reconnect and mend their relationships.

The first stop is in Beijing where his eldest son abandons his architectural job to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Guan Zhiguo soon discovers that his son is struggling to make a living and is in a lot of debt. Despite his reservations, he supports his son's decision and helps him financially.

In Shanghai, he meets with his second daughter who is a successful businesswoman, but has chosen a loveless marriage for the sake of financial stability. She confides in her father that she is unhappy and wants to leave her husband, but fears the repercussions of a divorce and the effect it will have on her career.

The third stop is in Guangzhou, where his youngest daughter is studying medicine. She reveals that she has dropped out of school due to bullying by her peers and struggles with depression. Guan Zhiguo realizes that he has neglected her emotionally and apologizes for his absence. He encourages her to continue pursuing her dreams and promises to support her in any way he can.

The final stop is in Kunming, where his youngest son is a vagabond and drifting through life without any clear direction. Guan Zhiguo tries to understand his son's unconventional lifestyle and offers guidance, but ultimately lets him go on his own journey of self-discovery.

The film offers a poignant commentary on the rapid modernization and social changes in present-day China, highlighting the struggles and conflicts faced by the younger generation. It also emphasizes the importance of family and communication in building strong relationships and overcoming personal challenges.

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