"Even Wood" is a heartfelt drama directed by L. Gustavo Cooper and written by Andrew Mecham. The film follows Rachel (played by Nikki Flux), a young college student in Los Angeles, who learns of her grandmother's death and returns home to her small town in Utah for the funeral. Rachel's arrival brings her face to face with the traumas of her past, including the sudden death of her mother years ago and her estranged relationship with her brother, Evan (played by Sean Grandillo).

As Rachel spends time with her family and reconnects with old friends, including her former boyfriend, John (played by Max Bogner), she begins to process her grief by writing about her experiences. Through her writing, Rachel uncovers painful secrets about her family's past, including her grandmother's role in her mother's death.

Meanwhile, Rachel's brother Evan is struggling with addiction and mental health issues, which puts a strain on their relationship. Rachel tries to support Evan, but she is also dealing with her own personal struggles.

As Rachel navigates these challenges, she finds comfort and inspiration in her writing, which helps her to better understand herself and her family. The film ultimately offers a message of hope and resilience in the face of personal struggles and loss.

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