ETXR is a science fiction movie directed by Trevor Sands and released in 2014. The film follows the story of Bix, a struggling DJ, who receives the Teslascope from an unknown source. Despite his skepticism, Bix discovers that the device is capable of receiving signals from alien worlds, and he decides to use it to boost his career and connect with his listeners.

As Bix's fame and influence grow, he attracts the attention of a group of government agents who are determined to use the Teslascope for their own purposes. Bix finds himself caught in the middle of a conflict between the agents and the aliens who have been sending signals through the device.

As he discovers more about the nature of the signals, Bix begins to question his own motivations and the impact his actions are having on the world. Ultimately, he must choose between his desire for fame and his responsibility to the greater good.

The film features an original soundtrack by Australian DJ and producer, TyDi, and stars Jeremy Luke as Bix, as well as Beau Garrett, Brianne Howey, and Kelcie Stranahan.

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