
Action,Drama  South Korea 

The North Korean sergeant, named Kim Sang-min, has spent his entire life under the oppressive regime of Kim Jong-un. Despite being lauded as a hero for his service, Kim Sang-min feels trapped and yearns for freedom and self-determination.

One day, he witnesses a secret exchange between high-ranking officials that reveals the true extent of the regime's corruption and cruelty. Fueled by a newfound sense of rage and betrayal, Kim Sang-min decides to defect to South Korea in a daring escape attempt.

With the help of a sympathetic guide, Kim Sang-min navigates the treacherous journey across the border, evading capture and risking his life at every turn. Along the way, he encounters fellow defectors who share their own harrowing stories of survival and loss under the North Korean regime.

As he nears the border, Kim Sang-min is pursued by a ruthless North Korean agent who will stop at nothing to bring him back. In a tense and dramatic showdown, Kim Sang-min must confront his own fears and doubts as he makes the ultimate decision to continue his escape or turn back.

Ultimately, Escape is a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring human spirit in the face of tyranny. It is a powerful reminder of the lengths that people will go to in search of freedom and justice.

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