Escape The Undertaker is an interactive movie released by Netflix in October 2021. The movie follows the popular WWE tag team The New Day as they visit the mansion of The Undertaker, who has set a trap for them. The objective of the game is for the viewers to help The New Day escape from The Undertaker's haunted mansion by making choices at different points of the story.

As The New Day arrives at The Undertaker's mansion, they are warned of the risks of entering the mansion, but they are confident in their abilities to handle any challenge. The Undertaker then reveals that he has prepared a set of physical and supernatural challenges for the trio.

The challenges consist of several rooms, each of which has a specific task to be completed by The New Day. These challenges include avoiding a giant spider, solving a puzzle room, and escaping a room filled with poisonous gas. Each room is packed with several obstacles, and viewers are asked to choose between different options to help The New Day overcome them.

True to the spirit of professional wrestling, the choices viewers make determine the outcome of the movie. The options range from silly to serious, and the choices are timed to maintain the flow of the movie. Some decisions will lead to success, while others may result in the trio's failure to escape The Undertaker's mansion.

Overall, Escape The Undertaker is a fun and interactive movie that WWE fans, and horror enthusiasts may enjoy. Its interactive elements make it feel more like a game rather than just a movie, and it allows viewers to feel more connected to the story and the characters.

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