Eros is a 2004 film that comprises three short films, each directed by prominent international directors. The first segment is titled "The Hand," directed by acclaimed Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar-wai. It tells the story of Zhang, a young tailor who has an unrequited love for his client, a high-end call girl named Miss Hua. Despite Hua's frequent visits to his shop, she remains distant and unattainable, and Zhang's desire for her eventually spirals out of control.

The second segment is titled "Equilibrium," directed by the renowned filmmaker Steven Soderbergh. It follows the story of an advertising executive named Nick Penrose, played by Robert Downey Jr., who is struggling with his job and his personal life. Nick visits his psychiatrist, Dr. Pearl, played by Alan Arkin, and takes part in a series of revealing and erotic sessions. As their conversations progress, Nick becomes increasingly fascinated by Dr. Pearl's own troubled marriage, and the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur.

The final segment is titled "The Dangerous Thread of Things," directed by Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni. It is set on the coast of Tuscany and centers around an attractive young woman named Linda, played by model and actress Regina Nemni. Linda is caught in a menage-a-trois with a married couple, Christopher and Cloe, played by Christopher Buchholz and Luisa Ranieri, respectively. Despite their seemingly idyllic life, the three characters are plagued with tension and unspoken desires, and their relationship eventually reaches a breaking point.

Overall, Eros is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that explores the themes of love, desire, and human relationships. Each segment is unique and distinctive, but all three share a common thread of examining the complexities of intimacy and the ways in which individuals navigate their own desires and vulnerabilities.

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