Erik the Viking is a comedic adventure film from 1989, directed by Monty Python's Terry Jones. The story follows the titular Erik (played by Tim Robbins), a Viking who becomes disillusioned with his violent way of life and sets out on a quest to find a way to end the endless darkness of the Norse apocalypse known as Ragnorok.

Erik gathers a band of misfit warriors, including a half-blind archer, a mute with a magic potion, and a giant named Sven (played by John Cleese), and sets sail on a longship to the gates of Valhalla, the Norse afterlife. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including a tribe of peaceful monks, a tribe of cannibals, and the deadly Valkyries.

At Valhalla, Erik and his crew meet the goddess Freya (played by Earleen Carey), who tells them that the only way to end Ragnorok is for a chosen warrior to retrieve the Horn Resounding from the gods' treasure hoard. Erik volunteers for the task and faces a final showdown with the evil god Loki (played by Jones himself).

The film is known for its irreverent humor and satirical take on Viking culture, with references to Monty Python's Flying Circus and nods to other films like Raiders of the Lost Ark. While not a huge commercial success, Erik the Viking has gained a cult following and is regarded as a cult classic.

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