Eraserhead is a surrealistic horror film directed by David Lynch in 1977. The story follows Henry Spencer, a young man who lives in a bleak industrial city where he works in a factory. He's in a strained relationship with his girlfriend, Mary X, who is pregnant with his child.

After the baby is born, Henry discovers that the child is a horrific mutant, with a face resembling a reptile and a constant wailing cry. The baby's screams are unbearable and get worse as time goes on, leading Henry to have nightmares and hallucinations.

Desperate to find a way out of his situation, Henry begins to see a woman with strange powers who lives in the radiator behind his apartment. She performs a musical number, singing about a world beyond Henry's current reality, and offers him comfort and solace.

As the film progresses, Henry becomes more and more unhinged, leading to a shocking and disturbing finale that is open to interpretation.

Eraserhead is known for its eerie atmosphere, deeply unsettling imagery, and surreal storytelling. It's considered a cult classic and has had a significant influence on Lynch's later work, as well as the horror genre as a whole.

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