Equinox Flower

Comedy,Drama  Japan 

Equinox Flower follows the story of Hirayama, a middle-aged man who is set in his traditional ways and beliefs. He has a daughter, Setsuko, who wants to marry a man of her own choosing instead of going through the arranged marriage process that Hirayama has planned for her.

As Setsuko pushes back against her father's wishes, Hirayama is forced to confront his own beliefs and come to terms with the changing values of the younger generation. Throughout the film, we see Hirayama struggle with his daughter's independence and the realization that he must let go of his control over her life.

The film beautifully explores themes of generational conflict, changing societal norms, and the complexities of family dynamics. Ozu expertly captures the nuances of human relationships and the evolving dynamics between parents and their children. Equinox Flower is a poignant and thought-provoking film that highlights Ozu's ability to craft deeply emotional and resonant stories.

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