Epic Tails follows the journey of a young and curious mouse named Odie who lives in a small village in Ancient Greece. One day, Odie discovers an ancient map that belonged to his ancestors and leads to a hidden treasure that is guarded by dangerous creature in the mythical undersea world of Poseidon.

Driven by his thirst for adventure and desire to protect his village from the wrath of Poseidon, Odie sets out on a perilous journey to find the treasure and save his people. Along the way, he encounters many challenges and battles all sorts of mythical creatures including Minotaurs, Hydra, and other sea monsters.

As Odie draws closer to the hidden treasure, Poseidon becomes increasingly aware of his presence and sends his most powerful creatures to stop him. However, with the help of his loyal friends and his wit, Odie faces down every challenge to finally reach the treasure.

In the end, Odie not only saves his village from the wrath of Poseidon but also learns a valuable lesson about the importance of courage, friendship, and the true meaning of epic tales.

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