Enter the Void is a 2009 French film directed by Gaspar Noé. The film is known for its intense visual effects and experimental narrative style, which follows the afterlife of a young American drug dealer named Oscar. The film is divided into multiple segments, with each segment representing a different stage in Oscar's journey through the afterlife.

The film begins with a stylized POV shot of Oscar as he prepares to sell drugs in Tokyo. Oscar is later killed by police during a bust gone wrong, and the film then shifts to Oscar's journey through the afterlife. The first segment of the film follows Oscar's journey through his memories of his childhood and his parents' deaths, as he revisits pivotal moments from his life.

The film then shifts to the present, as Oscar's spirit witnesses his own autopsy and follows his sister Linda, who is also a prostitute and drug addict. The second half of the film is designed to be a visceral and hallucinatory experience, with intense visual effects that simulate Oscar's journey through the afterlife and his experiences as a spirit watching over his sister.

Enter the Void has been described as a provocative exploration of the afterlife and the nature of existence, incorporating themes of drug use, sexuality, and existentialism into its narrative. The film's unique visual style and experimental structure have made it a cult favorite among fans of avant-garde cinema.

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