Entangled takes a closer look at the North Atlantic right whale, a species that has dwindled to a population of just over 400 individuals due to hunting, ship strikes, and entanglement in fishing gear. The film documents the journey of whale researchers, advocates, and lobster fishermen as they navigate an increasingly complex and contentious landscape in the quest to save the species from extinction.

At the heart of the film is the conflict between the lobster industry and the National Marine Fisheries Service, which has proposed new rules to protect the right whale from entanglement in fishing gear. The rules require the use of weaker rope, fewer traps per line, and gear modifications that would make it easier for whales to break free in the event of an entanglement. While many conservationists and scientists support the new measures, lobster fishermen argue that they would cause undue harm to their industry and livelihoods.

Entangled explores the nuances of this controversy through interviews with fishermen, fisheries managers, scientists, and advocates on both sides of the issue. The film also showcases stunning footage of right whales, their calves, and the complex web of marine life that coexists with them in the Gulf of Maine.

Throughout the film, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing both whales and fishermen in the age of climate change, and the urgent need for collaboration and compromise to save this iconic species from extinction.

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