Eliminators is a 2016 action thriller film directed by James Nunn and written by Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby. The film stars Scott Adkins, Stu Bennett, and Daniel Caltagirone.

The story follows former U.S. Federal Agent, Thomas McKenzie (played by Scott Adkins), who is living in London under the Witness Protection Program. One day, his home is invaded by a group of masked men who have mistaken his address for someone else's, resulting in the death of his wife and child. In a desperate bid to save his daughter's life, McKenzie seeks the help of an ex-MI6 agent named Cooper (played by Stu Bennett) who agrees to assist him.

As McKenzie and his daughter try to escape London and go into hiding, they are pursued by an assassin named Bishop (played by Daniel Caltagirone) who is hired by the people McKenzie had been hiding from. Bishop is often one step ahead of McKenzie, and he uses his skills as a trained killer to track him down. Meanwhile, Cooper helps McKenzie navigate through the dangerous criminal underworld to get to safety.

The film is filled with plenty of action-packed set-pieces, including car chases, shootouts, and hand-to-hand combat scenes, which showcase the impressive martial arts skills of Scott Adkins. The story is a classic tale of a man protecting his family at all costs, and it will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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