Electrick Children is a coming-of-age drama film directed by Rebecca Thomas. The film stars Julia Garner as Rachel, the protagonist, who is a member of a polygamous sect where basic amenities like modern technology and music are prohibited. The film is set in the 1980s and captures the essence of that era in terms of fashion and music.

Rachel's sheltered life drastically changes when she discovers a forbidden cassette tape that features a rock song. Captivated by the music, Rachel believes that the song is a divine message from God and that she has been impregnated by it. Her family, however, believes that she has been impregnated by a member of the sect and quickly arranges a marriage for her.

Determined to find the source of the music, Rachel runs away to Las Vegas, where she meets a quirky skateboarding-punk named Clyde (played by Rory Culkin) who helps her in her quest. Together, they search for the band and Rachel's true identity while facing numerous challenges on the way.

The film explores themes such as identity, religion, and rebellion. With its off-beat story and charming characters, Electrick Children is a well-crafted film that is worth watching.

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