Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World is a Spanish animated adventure film that depicts the expedition led by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator, to find a western trade route to the Spice Islands in the early 16th century.

The film focuses on the historical events that unfolded during this expedition. The characters that appear in the movie are based on the real-life members of the exploratory crew. The members face many challenges and adventures, including treacherous storms, food shortages, illness, violent attacks from indigenous tribes, and mutiny among the crew.

The movie also highlights the different cultures and languages the crew encountered during their journey. The film depicts the conflicts and misunderstandings that arise due to cultural differences. However, the characters also learn to work together and respect each other's beliefs.

The film's climax occurs when the crew arrives at the Spice Islands, where Ferdinand Magellan dies in a battle with the local inhabitants. The remaining crew members then continue their journey under the command of Juan Sebastian Elkano, who ultimately leads the crew back to Spain, successfully circumnavigating the globe and proving that the world is round.

Overall, Elcano & Magellan: The First Voyage Around the World is an exciting and engaging film that captures the adventurous spirit of exploration while providing an educational glimpse into the historical events of the early 16th century.

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