Edward Scissorhands is a 1990 romantic fantasy film directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp as the titular character. The story takes place in a colorful suburban town called Suburbia and revolves around an unfinished science experiment, a boy named Edward, who was created by an inventor but was left unfinished due to his sudden death. As a result, Edward has scissor blades for hands and has never experienced the outside world beyond his secluded mansion.

One day, a kind-hearted Avon saleswoman named Peg Boggs (played by Dianne Wiest) visits the mansion and discovers Edward living alone. She takes pity on him and invites him to come live with her and her family. As Edward enters life in Suburbia, he is greeted with curiosity, acceptance, and fear, all at once.

Edward's scissorhands become both a liability and an asset, allowing him to create beautiful sculptures and trim hedges with ease. However, his awkwardness and lack of social graces make him a target of bullying by the town's troublemakers.

Throughout the film, we see how Edward struggles to fit in with Suburbia's expectations and tries to adjust to his new life. He falls in love with Peg's daughter, Kim (played by Winona Ryder), but their relationship becomes complicated by the town's hostile attitude towards him.

The film's climax involves a climactic confrontation between Edward and the town's more malicious residents, leading to tragic consequences.

Overall, Edward Scissorhands is a heartwarming and poignant fairy tale about the beauty of differences and the importance of acceptance.

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