Edge of the Axe is a 1988 horror film directed by José Ramón Larraz. The story takes place in a small mountain community in Northern California, where a series of brutal and seemingly random killings have occurred. The killer strikes with an axe and leaves behind a distinctive mark, a single circle, on the forehead of his victims.

The killer's identity remains a mystery, and the local sheriff is unable to capture him. Meanwhile, two young adults, Richard and Catherine, who share a passion for computer programming and hacking, become involved in the case. They use their skills to investigate the murders and uncover clues that the police have missed.

As Richard and Catherine get closer to the truth, the killer begins to target them. They find themselves in a race against time to identify the murderer before they become his next victims.

The film features suspenseful scenes of the killer stalking his prey and gory depictions of his brutal attacks. The subplot involving Richard and Catherine's computer skills adds a unique twist to the traditional slasher genre.

Overall, Edge of the Axe is a suspenseful and entertaining horror film that delivers both scares and surprises.

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