Edge of Isolation is a 2018 horror/thriller movie directed by Jeff Houkal and written by Michael Marcelin. The movie follows a young couple, Henry and Gretchen, who are on a camping trip in the woods when their car breaks down. With no way to call for help and dwindling supplies, they stumble upon a secluded cabin and are taken in by the Parker family.

Initially, the Parkers seem like a friendly and hospitable family who offer to help the couple. But soon, Henry and Gretchen realize that they are not ordinary people and that they have been lured into a dangerous predicament. The Parkers are a family of cannibals who have been surviving in the woods by hunting and killing lost hikers who wander into their territory.

Henry and Gretchen become prisoners in the Parker's twisted world, and they must find a way to escape before they become the next victims. But their situation becomes even more complicated when Gretchen discovers that she is pregnant, and the Parkers want to keep the couple alive to create a new generation of cannibals.

As the tension builds, Henry and Gretchen must use their wits and survival skills to outsmart the Parker family and try to make their way back to civilization. Edge of Isolation is a terrifying tale of survival and horror that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

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