After their plane crashes, the surviving members of the American soccer team find themselves stranded on a deserted Pacific island. Among them are the team captain, JC, the talented but hot-headed striker, Eric, the sensitive midfielder, Alex, and the tough but fair coach, Alan.

At first, the group tries to stick together and survive by rationing their limited resources. However, tensions quickly rise as disagreements over how to allocate food and resources cause divisions within the group.

Eric, who is desperate to assert his dominance and control, gathers a group of followers and begins to exert his rule with a violent and deadly hand. Meanwhile, Alex and a few other players try to maintain their team spirit and compassion in the face of adversity.

As the weeks turn into months and rescue seems increasingly unlikely, the two groups clash in a brutal confrontation that leaves several players dead and others severely injured.

Eventually, JC and Alan are forced to step in and try to restore order and unity among the survivors. Through their leadership and the efforts of the selfless players who remained loyal to the team spirit, the group is able to come together and make a plan to survive until rescue arrives.

But the scars of their ordeal run deep, and the experience has forever changed them all.

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