Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is a made-for-TV movie that serves as the series finale of the popular animated show Ed, Edd n Eddy. The film follows the three titular characters, Ed, Edd (better known as Double D), and Eddy, as they try to flee their neighborhood after a scam they pulled goes disastrously wrong.

The scam involved the Eds selling items from a garage sale that they claimed were once owned by an astronaut, and they convinced the neighborhood kids to buy the items using fake stories about the astronaut's adventures. However, when the kids discovered that the items were fake, they became enraged, and the Eds feared for their safety.

Desperate to escape, they decided to go on a quest to find Eddy's estranged older brother, who they believed could help them get out of their predicament. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including an infamous bike gang, a tire-themed amusement park, and confrontations with the neighborhood kids who are still after them.

As the Eds continue on their journey, they begin to uncover shocking secrets about Eddy's brother and their own pasts, which threaten to unravel their friendship and turn them against each other. The film culminates in a dramatic showdown between the Eds and the kids, with surprising twists and revelations that will satisfy long-time fans of the show.

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