Eating Miss Campbell is a dark comedy movie that follows the life of a vegan-goth high school student, Alice, who falls in love with her English teacher, Miss Campbell. Alice, played by Anna Kendrick, finds herself obsessed with Miss Campbell, played by Tilda Swinton, and becomes increasingly infatuated with her.

As Alice's obsession with Miss Campbell grows, she also develops a problematic taste for human flesh. She starts to experiment with cannibalism and becomes addicted to the taste of human flesh. Alice becomes more and more consumed by her lust for Miss Campbell and her taste for flesh, leading her down a dangerous and twisted path.

The movie explores themes of obsession, addiction, and the darker side of love. It is a black comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously, featuring dark humor and gory scenes interspersed with moments of unexpected tenderness.

As the movie progresses, Alice's behavior becomes more erratic, and she struggles to keep her dark desires under control. She soon realizes that her cannibalistic tendencies are not only endangering herself but also the people around her.

Eating Miss Campbell is a bizarre and twisted love story that explores the dark depths of human desire and obsession. It is a movie that will leave you reeling with both shock and laughter.

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