Easy Does It is a 2020 action-comedy film directed by Will Addison. The movie follows best friends, Jack and Scottie, who go on a wild adventure in search of a lost treasure of rare and valuable Bourbon, stolen from the gangster, Marcel. The treasure hunt leads them across the country, from Mississippi to California, as they race against time and outrun the law.

Along the way, Jack and Scottie get into all sorts of trouble, including car chases, shootouts, and run-ins with eccentric characters, such as a hippie cult leader and a wealthy collector who wants to add the precious Bourbon to his collection. Adding to their troubles are Marcel's henchmen, who are hot on their trail and determined to get the treasure back.

Despite the obstacles, Jack and Scottie remain determined to find the treasure and make a new life for themselves. However, as they get closer to the treasure's location, they realize that it may not be worth the risk, and they have to decide whether to continue on their journey or change their course.

The film features an ensemble cast, including Matthew Paul Martinez as Jack, Ben Matheny as Scottie, Linda Hamilton as Linda, and Dwight Henry as Marcel, among others. With its action-packed plot and quirky characters, Easy Does It is a fun and entertaining ride that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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