Earwig and the Witch is a 2020 Japanese animated film directed by Goro Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. It is based on the novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones.

The story revolves around Earwig, an orphan girl who is brought to live with a witch named Bella Yaga and her familiar, a talking black cat named Thomas. Earwig, being headstrong and independent, is determined to make the most of her new living arrangements and learns about magic and spells along the way.

However, Earwig soon discovers that Bella Yaga is using her as an assistant to help with her witchcraft work, and is not particularly concerned about giving her a happy life. Despite this, Earwig persists in her attempts to gain more knowledge and control over magic.

The movie is set in an alternate England, with a steampunk-inspired aesthetic. The animation is done in a unique 3D style, marking a departure from the traditional 2D animation that Studio Ghibli is known for.

Earwig and the Witch features the voice talents of Kacey Musgraves as Earwig, Dan Stevens as the cat Thomas, and Vanessa Marshall as Bella Yaga. The film premiered on Japanese television on December 30, 2020, and was later released internationally on streaming platforms.

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