Duplex is a dark comedy film that was released in 2003. The story revolves around a couple named Alex and Nancy, who move into a charming duplex in Brooklyn, New York, with the dream of starting a family. However, things take a sharp turn when they discover that their upstairs neighbor is an elderly woman named Mrs. Connelly.

At first, Mrs. Connelly seems harmless and slightly eccentric, but it soon becomes clear that she is a manipulative and demanding tenant. She constantly disrupts the couple's peace with her loud music, a barking dog, and her general irritability. Alex and Nancy are continuously frustrated by Mrs. Connelly's antics, but they are unable to find a way to peacefully coexist with her.

As the film progresses, the couple's frustration with Mrs. Connelly grows, and they begin hatching a plan to get rid of her. However, every attempt they make to evict her from the apartment only causes the situation to escalate further. Eventually, the couple finds themselves in a dangerous situation, trying to escape their crazy neighbor.

The film stars Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore as Alex and Nancy, and Eileen Essell as Mrs. Connelly. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, Duplex was moderately successful at the box office and has since developed a cult following.

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