Drive Thru is a 2007 horror-comedy directed by Shane Kuhn and starring Leighton Meester, Nicholas D'Agosto, and Larry Joe Campbell. The film centers around the popular fast-food chain "Hella-Burger," whose mascot is the demonic and perverted Horny the Clown. When a group of high school students in Orange County, California stop at the drive-thru for a late-night snack, they are harassed by Horny the Clown and witness his violent murder of a fellow patron. As more teenagers fall victim to the killer clown, the group must band together to uncover the truth behind the curse of Hella-Burger and put an end to Horny's reign of terror. Along the way, they encounter a cast of eccentric characters, including a wise-cracking detective, a vengeful ghost, and a trash-talking geriatric. Drive Thru combines elements of slasher movies and supernatural horror with humor and satire to deliver a unique and entertaining entry in the genre.

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