Watch Dreaming Grand Avenue Movie free no account

Linking Dreams: The Shared Destiny

Drama  N/A 

Dreaming Grand Avenue is a romantic drama film that follows two strangers, Maggie and Jimmy, who keep encountering each other in their dreams. Maggie is a successful businesswoman who is haunted by the memory of a tragic event from her past. Jimmy is a down-on-his-luck musician who is struggling to find his place in the world.

As they continue to dream about each other, Maggie and Jimmy start to uncover the secrets of their intertwined fate. With the help of a dream detective named Nick, they begin to explore the mysteries of their subconscious minds and the power of their dreams.

Along the way, they also seek guidance from a sleep scientist named Dr. Kane and the poetry of Walt Whitman. Together, they learn to confront their fears, heal their past traumas, and embrace their connected destiny.

Dreaming Grand Avenue is a poignant and thought-provoking film that explores the interplay between dreams and reality, memory and imagination, and the power of human connection. It stars Jackson Rathbone, Andrea Londo, Wendy Robie, Tony Fitzpatrick, and Tony Cascio, and is directed by Hugh Schulze.


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