Christine Brown is a loan officer who is vying for an assistant manager position at the bank where she works. When trying to impress her boss, she denies an elderly woman named Mrs. Ganush an extension on her mortgage payment, despite the woman's desperate pleas. Mrs. Ganush begs Christine and even gets on her knees, but Christine remains steadfast in her decision.

That night, as Christine is leaving work, she is attacked by Mrs. Ganush, who places a curse on her. The curse causes Christine to experience eerie and horrifying visions, as well as being hounded by an evil spirit. As the days go by, Christine becomes increasingly frightened and desperate, seeking the help of a psychic named Rham Jas.

Rham Jas advises Christine that the only way to break the curse is to sacrifice an innocent life, but Christine is reluctant to follow through with his advice. Despite her doubts, Christine enlists the help of her boyfriend, Clay Dalton, to try and find another way to break the curse before it's too late.

As the deadline for the curse approaches, Christine and Clay try to unravel the mystery behind the curse and stop the evil spirit from taking Christine's soul to hell. In a final confrontation, Christine must face her fears and confront the spirit head-on, in order to save herself from eternal damnation.

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