
Drama  United States of America 

Downeast, a feature film directed by Joe Raffa, is a dark drama that takes place in rural Maine. The story begins with Emma Maddox, a troubled young woman who returns to her hometown after spending years away from it. Her return to Maine is motivated by the sudden, mysterious death of her brother, Mikey, which she is determined to investigate.

As she tries to unravel the mystery of her brother’s death, Emma reconnects with his best friend, Tommy, who is now a successful lobsterman and the owner of a local seafood business. They both share a troubled past, and a romantic relationship begins to blossom as they work together to uncover the truth about Mikey’s death.

As Emma delves deeper into the town’s dark secrets, she uncovers a web of lies and deceit that have been carefully hidden by the locals for years. She realizes that she has arrived amidst a turf war between rival lobstermen and that her brother’s death may be linked to it.

Downeast is a slow-burning, character-driven film that explores themes of love, loss, and redemption. The performances by the cast, especially Greg Finley as Tommy and Dylan Silver as Emma, are top-notch, and the film’s stunning cinematography captures the rugged beauty of the Maine coast.

Overall, Downeast is a gritty, captivating drama that tells an engaging story and offers an intimate look at the often-overlooked seedy underbelly of rural America.

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