The ten nations in the fictional universe are named after different animals, such as the Snake Nation and the Eagle Nation. The warlord who organizes the competition is from the Deer Nation and is known for his ruthlessness and desire for power. The competition is designed to find the most skilled warriors, who will then fight for the warlord in his upcoming conquests.

Dong Yilong is a skilled fighter who has been training his whole life in secret. Despite his village's doubts, he is determined to prove himself in the competition and make a name for himself. Along the way, he meets other aspiring warriors from different nations, including his rival Lie Feng, a skilled martial artist from the Monkey Nation.

As the competition progresses, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just winning. The warlord has ulterior motives, and the competition is a way for him to test the warriors' loyalty and weed out any potential traitors. Dong Yilong and his allies must navigate dangerous challenges and political intrigue as they try to survive and stay true to their ideals.

The action-packed adventure takes the audience through stunning landscapes and epic battles, showcasing the diverse cultures and fighting styles of the different nations. As Dong Yilong rises through the ranks, he learns the true meaning of honor and sacrifice, and must decide whether he is willing to fight for what he believes in, even if it means defying the warlord and risking his life.

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