Double Whammy is a 2001 crime-comedy film directed by Tom DiCillo. The movie stars Denis Leary as Ray Pluto, a New York City police officer who is having a tough time. He is known as the "loser cop" because of his run-ins with the tabloids. His partner, played by Steve Buscemi, seems to be gay and attracted to Ray, but Ray is oblivious. The two detectives work together to solve a string of bizarre murders, including the stabbing of the building superintendent.

Meanwhile, the screenwriters across the hall (played by Elizabeth Hurley and Luis Guzman) keep bothering Ray for help with their movie script. They hope that Ray's experiences as a cop can add some realism to their work. Things take a turn for the worse when the superintendent's daughter, who also happens to be Ray's neighbor, hires some thugs to attack her father. This leads to a dangerous confrontation between the hoodlums and Ray.

To make matters worse, Ray is also dealing with a sexually aggressive chiropractor (played by Carman) who is intent on destroying his marriage. All of these problems start to take their toll on Ray, and he begins to feel the strain. However, with the help of his partner, the two screenwriters, and a few well-placed punches, Ray manages to solve the case and take down the bad guys. In the end, he emerges as a hero and a better person, thanks to his harrowing experiences.

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