Double Identity is a thriller movie directed by Dennis Dimster. The movie follows an American doctor named Michael Brandt, played by Val Kilmer, who is working in a hospital in Chechnya during the time of the war. One day, as he is heading back to his hotel, he witnesses an attempted assault on a woman named Katya, played by Izabella Miko. Brandt intervenes, and the two narrowly escape the attackers.

Katya is evasive about her identity and what she was doing in Chechnya. However, Brandt slowly develops a bond with her and becomes determined to keep her safe from harm. As they evade their pursuers, they uncover a plot to steal funds from the World Bank with the help of a shadowy banker, played by Ben Cross. The banker sends a team of killers to eliminate Brandt and Katya, but they are determined to expose the plot and bring the criminals to justice.

The movie has some twists and turns, and the plot is driven by the relationship between Brandt and Katya. Val Kilmer delivers a decent performance as the hero, but the highlight of the movie is Izabella Miko, who is convincing as the pivotal character. The movie has some action sequences, but it is more of a slow-burning thriller than an all-out action movie. Overall, Double Identity is an enjoyable movie for fans of thriller movies.

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