Doomsday Prophecy follows the story of a renowned author and expert in ancient civilizations, Dr. Marshall (played by Alan Dale) who is approached by a billionaire with a strange request. The billionaire, David (played by A.J. Buckley) is convinced that the world is going to end in a matter of days and wants Dr. Marshall to help him decipher a series of ancient hieroglyphics that he believes hold the key to salvation.

Meanwhile, a seismic engineer named Brooke (played by Jewel Staite) is called in to investigate a series of strange earthquakes that have been occurring around the world. As she begins to connect the dots between the earthquakes and the hieroglyphics that Dr. Marshall is deciphering, she realizes that they are all part of a much larger and more sinister plan.

As the world races towards its inevitable destruction, Brooke and Dr. Marshall race against time to unravel the mystery of the hieroglyphics and find a way to stop the impending apocalypse. Along the way, they are forced to confront their own beliefs and fears as they come face to face with the end of the world.

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