Doom Asylum is a low-budget horror-comedy film released in 1987. The plot revolves around a group of five teenagers who decide to explore an abandoned asylum on a dare. Little do they know that the asylum isn't really abandoned and that a psychotic coroner named Dr. Kipling is living there, using the asylum's autopsy room and equipment for his own twisted purposes.

As the teenagers explore the dark hallways of the asylum, Dr. Kipling stalks them one by one, killing them with his arsenal of deadly medical tools. The kills are gory and over-the-top, with each victim meeting a unique and gruesome fate.

The film's tone is campy and tongue-in-cheek, with comedic moments interspersed throughout the gore. The characters are all caricatures of typical horror movie stereotypes, with the jock, the virgin, the stoner, the nerd, and the slut all represented.

The film is notable for being filmed on location in an actual abandoned asylum, adding to the eerie atmosphere and authenticity of the setting. Despite its low budget and cheesy premise, Doom Asylum has gained a cult following over the years for its creative kills and offbeat humor.

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