Don't Say a Word is a 2001 psychological thriller film directed by Gary Fleder and starring Michael Douglas, Sean Bean, and Brittany Murphy. The story follows Nathan Conrad (Michael Douglas), a psychiatrist who is forced by criminals to obtain a six-digit number hidden in the mind of a mentally unstable young woman named Elisabeth Burrows (Brittany Murphy). The kidnappers are seeking this number from a safe deposit box and hold Nathan's daughter as ransom.

As he races against time, Nathan must navigate the troubled mind of Elisabeth, who suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder. Elisabeth has been institutionalized since witnessing her father's murder as a child, and Nathan struggles to unlock her memories and uncover the secret behind the number that the kidnappers are after. Meanwhile, he also faces personal demons, including the recent death of his wife and his strained relationship with his daughter, that threaten to derail his efforts to save her.

As Nathan delves deeper into Elisabeth's psyche, he realizes that her father's murder may have been connected to a high-profile jewel heist, which she unknowingly witnessed. With the kidnappers closing in and the clock ticking, Nathan must race against time to uncover the truth and save his daughter before it's too late.

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