"Don't Look Under the Bed" is a 1999 Disney Channel Original Movie that centers around a teenage girl named Frances McCausland. Frances has always been a straight-A student, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she is accused of pulling off a series of pranks around town. The pranks are actually the work of the boogeyman, who has taken up residence under her bed.

Frances enlists the help of her younger brother's imaginary friend, Larry Houdini, to try and catch the real culprit behind the pranks. However, Frances struggles to convince anyone that the boogeyman is real, and her credibility is further damaged when she is caught on camera appearing to perpetrate one of the pranks.

As the pranks become even more widespread and destructive, Frances begins to fear for her safety. With the help of Larry, she sets out to capture the boogeyman and prove her innocence once and for all. Along the way, she discovers that the boogeyman has a personal vendetta against her family and that Larry may not be as imaginary as she thought.

In the end, Frances is able to confront her fears and overcome the boogeyman with the help of Larry and her family. The movie ends with a glimpse of the now-real Larry, who has been summoned into existence by Frances' unwavering belief in him and her ability to conquer the boogeyman.

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