Doing Money is a gripping drama that follows the story of Ana, a young Romanian woman who is kidnapped from a London street and forced into prostitution. Ana is taken to Ireland where she is put to work in a series of pop-up brothels, servicing clients and being passed from one trafficker to another.

As Ana struggles to escape from her captors, the viewer is confronted with the brutal reality of modern slavery and the ways in which vulnerable individuals can be exploited and abused. The film is based on the true story of a woman who was abducted and trafficked across the UK and Ireland for over a year before being rescued by police.

The film offers a powerful and moving look at the realities of human trafficking, and how it can happen anywhere, even in places where we might least expect it. It also offers a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and action to combat this grave human rights abuse. With its strong performances and harrowing storyline, Doing Money is a must-see film for anyone concerned about social justice and human rights today.

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