Dog Pound

Drama  Canada,France,United Kingdom 

Dog Pound is a 2010 Canadian drama film directed by Kim Chapiron and starring Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, and Mateo Morales. The movie tells the story of three teenagers who are sent to a correctional center for juvenile delinquents and their experiences in the harsh, violent environment.

Davis (Butcher), Angel (Morales), and Butch (Kippel) are brought to the center after being convicted of various crimes. The center is run by experienced guard Goodyear (Lawrence Bayne) and his violent and abusive assistant, Volchek (Trent McMullen).

The three teenagers are immediately thrown into an environment filled with violence, bullying, and abuse. They struggle to survive the brutal conditions and find a way to protect themselves from other inmates. Davis, who is the youngest and least experienced of the group, faces the toughest challenge as he is targeted by the other inmates.

As the days pass, the three teenagers begin to form a bond and develop a sense of brotherhood. However, their newfound friendship is tested when a violent incident occurs, leading them to question their loyalty to each other.

Dog Pound is an emotionally intense and thought-provoking film that explores themes of violence, redemption, and the societal factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency. The performances of the cast, particularly Butcher, Kippel, and Morales, are raw and powerful, making the movie a must-watch for fans of gritty prison dramas.

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