Do or Die is a 1991 action-thriller film directed by Andy Sidaris. The film stars Pat Morita, Erik Estrada, and Dona Speir as federal agents who must use their wits and skills to survive a deadly game designed by an Asian crime boss named Kaneshiro.

Donna and Nicole, the two undercover federal agents played by Dona Speir and Roberta Vasquez respectively, are captured by Kaneshiro, who decides to give them a chance to escape. He sends out six other teams of assassins to hunt them down, with the stipulation that Donna and Nicole must eliminate all the teams to win their freedom.

The film features a series of high-octane action sequences, including car chases, shootouts, and martial arts fights. The story takes the characters from Hawaii to Las Vegas and eventually to Louisiana, where the final showdown takes place.

Do or Die was part of a series of films directed by Andy Sidaris that were known for their over-the-top action scenes, beautiful women, and tongue-in-cheek humor. The film was not a critical success but gained a cult following for its campy charm and over-the-top action.

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